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Back Pain is different for everyone, with some people experiencing dull, constant, annoying aches that annoy all day long, and other people have bouts of intense, sharp back pain that is so bad it stops them from walking.

However, there are a few common back pain problems that bring people in El Paso into our clinic.

On this page, you can discover more about your back pain, and the most effective, natural back pain treatment options available to you. These are proven strategies that I’ve used for over a decade in working with people in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond who want to live an active and mobile lifestyle without relying on medications, injections, or surgery.


Lower back pain is the most common type of back pain and can range from mild annoying soreness, to severe debilitating pain that won’t let you get comfortable. Our lower back is particularly vulnerable to poor posture and our tendency is to sit for long periods of time during our daily life.

Fortunately, lower back pain can be relieved without pain medication or injections, plus surgery can nearly always be avoided. It is NOT just a part of getting old – despite what your doctor may have told you!


Upper back pain can come on for a variety of reasons. It’s often related to problems in the lower back, neck, and shoulders.

Most doctors and even physical therapists are not sure what to do about it. Doctors will offer to give you medications or possibly injections. They will say you’re not a good candidate for surgery. These treatments only offer short-term pain relief and don’t address the root problems.

Physical therapists’ basic education does not usually include how to find and treat upper back problems. So when they see patients with upper back pain they’ll usually resort to giving their patients exhaustive stretches and exercises that might help or might hurt the problem more.

Appointments and Questions Call: (915)503-1314

2601 E. Yandell Drive, Suite 232
El Paso, Texas 79903

© 2023 El Paso Manual Physical Therapy, PLLC, All Rights Reserved